Getting to the Villa
Villa Del Mar has ample parking for up to four vehicles. We suggest a rental car is obtained to allow you to enjoy all the island has to offer.
If arriving from the Airport, you are approx seven miles and 15 minutes from Villa Del Mar. You can enter “Villa Del Mar St. Thomas’ into Google and will likely find routing to the Villa. Detailed Directions to the villa are Below.
If traveling by Taxi, let your driver know Villa Del Mar is located in Mahogany Run.
From Airport:
Head East on Airport Road/Rite 302 toward Route 304.
Turn Right on to Moravian Hwy for 1.9 miles
Turn Left on Tolbod Gade, travel 450 Feet
Turn Right onto Norre Gade for .2 miles
Turn Left onto Hospital Gade for .2 miles
Turn Left onto Maude Proudfoot Dr for 1 mile
Turn Right onto Magen’s Bay Road/Route 35 for .2 miles
Turn Right onto Mahogany Run Road/Mandal Road ( you are now at Mahogany Run Guard Gate. Let the guard shack know you the guest staying at Villa Del Mar)
Travel on Mahogany Run North for .9 miles
Turn Sharp Right onto Del Mar Road/Tobago- Villa is on immediate Right. C-17-1 is address. Your individual Great room Door code will be sent via text.
Taxi’s & Drivers
IJoe Penn: (340) 513-0527 Joe has shuttled our villa guests for years and is trusted to always keep his word on pick up times. He’s very fair with his price as a private taxi company.
Elite Limousine - (340) 474-2495 Upscale transportation. Reservations recommended
Virgin Islands Taxi Association: You can always call for a public taxi and the rates vary. (340)774-7457